Lawn Watering For Different Grass Types
Keeping a lawn watered is vital and seems simple enough on the surface. But yard and grass care encompass many factors that, when understood, that can help ensure your lawns’ watering needs are met. One factor, grass type, can significantly impact when and how you should water your lawn. So to help keep your property beautiful and healthy, here are tips on lawn watering for different grass types.
What Are The Different Grass Types?
To ensure that your watering efforts are most effective, you will have to know what your grass type is. Grass types break down into two categories based on the temperatures each seed thrives in: cool-season and warm-season grasses. Most of the grass types in Pennsylvania are cool-season, but many homeowners (particularly in southeastern PA) have warm-season grass seeds in their lawn instead. If you are unsure which grass type you have, reach out to one of our landscape professionals.
Tips on Lawn Watering For Different Grass Types
Once you know your lawn’s grass type, you can better understand how to water your lawn properly. We will share some valuable advice on how much water you should use based on grass type, how to tell when your yard needs water, and the best time of day to water.
How Much Water You Should Use
A common issue for homeowners is how much water to use when watering their lawns. Lawn watering for different grass types requires knowing how much water each grass type requires.
- Cool-season grass: Cool-seasons grasses, for the most part, need moderate to high amounts of water, and their drought tolerances are mixed, with some being great (fescue) and others less so.
- Warm-season grass: Warm-season grass types generally require less water than cool-season grasses while also being more drought-resistant on average.
The majority of yards need around 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. Watering can come from rainfall or homeowners manually watering lawns, and can occur in a single watering session or small spurts throughout the week.

When Your Lawn Needs Water
Another essential piece of knowledge about lawn watering for different grass types is knowing when your lawn needs water. Your lawn will show a few different signs of needing water. For example, if your grass appears to be gray or dull green, that means they lack sufficient water. You can also walk on your lawn, and if your footprints remain visible for a while due to the blades of grass springing back slowly, your yard probably needs more water.
The Best Time to Water Your Lawn
Many homeowners water their lawns during various times of the day, but certain times are better than others. Early mornings are the best times to water your lawn. The cooler temperature and calm winds allow grass roots to absorb the water before evaporation. If you have to water later in the day, try to wait until the heat of the day has dissipated. Also, if you had rain, you may be able to hold off on watering your lawn until a later date.
Contact Burkholder Brothers for Sprinkler Irrigation Design and Installation
Lawn watering for different grass types can be complicated for homeowners to manage themselves, especially without an irrigation system. To make sure your lawn is watered and your grass is lush and vibrant, contact Burkholder Brothers. Burkholder works with each homeowner to design and install Sir Sprinkler irrigation systems to meets all of their watering needs. Our sprinkler and irrigation company also provides sprinkler irrigation system maintenance to help you save time and money. Contact us today for a free consultation!