Turf Care
A healthy, green lawn is every homeowner’s dream. At Burkholder, our turf care programs and services are designed to treat more than just your grass. By studying and correcting your soil and even introducing new and improved turf varieties, our goal is to increase the health and vigor of your turf, which in turn will increase natural resistance to weeds, disease, and drought conditions.

Turf Care Services
Turf Care Programs
Our Turf Care Programs utilize only high-quality timed-release fertilizers with organic matter and micronutrients that remain in the soil longer for plant use resulting in consistently green turf. We also use low phosphorous formulations, which are less prone to leaching and runoff. Utilizing spot weed treatments results in fewer chemicals being applied to your lawn.
Our programs include a complete soil analysis to determine any soil deficiencies and curative recommendations to balance your soil. Balanced soil will ensure that all nutrients will be available for your turf to use, dramatically increasing turf health and hardiness.
Lawn Aeration & Overseeding
Core aeration and over-seeding will benefit even a healthy-looking lawn. Aeration involves removing small plugs of soil and thatch to allow for deep penetration of nutrients, air, and water. Aeration also loosens thatch and helps relieve compaction to promote a deeper, healthier root system. Over-seeding will fill in bare areas and build a thicker lawn. The holes and plugs made during aeration create an excellent environment for grass seeds to germinate.
Regular overseeding with improved turf varieties transform older lawns into stronger stands of turf.
Soil Correction
Balanced soil chemistry is necessary for nutrients to be available for turf to consume. Based on results from a comprehensive soil test, recommendations will be proposed to achieve optimal levels of macronutrients, micronutrients, pH, and sodium.
Renovations & Sod
Topdressing with compost, filling washouts and low areas with topsoil, vertical slicing, and slit seeding are ways to introduce organic matter and correct grading problems while re-seeding.
Need instant lawn? Our teams will install sod and provide a price for an inground sprinkler system to keep it alive.

Get In Touch with Mitch